Tea Time: To Experience Awareness
“Delightful and earthy steaming balm in the cool air med-tea-tation time.” ~ Suresh Gundappa This month we have been looking at ways to...

Retrograde: A Step Back to Go Forward
For example, if we have Mars retrograde we will often present ourselves as less competitive, with our competition being more self-directed a

3 Thoughtful Tools for Building Solid Relationships
It turns out that our environment is just as important, if not more, as our genetic inheritance. Our lives and health can literally change a

Living with Less and Having More
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci In 1995 after establishing a successful residential construction company...

Labyrinth: Walking Into Ourselves
"If you have time to breathe you have time to meditate. You breathe when you walk. You breathe when you stand. You breathe when you lie...

Love Signs: Astrology Compatibility
Relationships are often the reason individuals seek astrologers. They want to know if the love they have will last, whether they will find i

Nurturing Natural Gifts
Each natal chart is like a snowflake, divinely individual! I have no doubt that each one of us comes to the planet with a special gift,...

Star Fusion 2017: Resolve to Be Authentically You
As an Astrologer and Lifestyle Design Coach, what gives my life meaning and purpose is helping others to realize their “star” quality....